Contributions 51 - 60
Contributions 41 - 50
Contributions 31 - 40
Contributions 21 - 30
Contributions 11 - 20
Contributions 1 - 10
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At the contribution pages you can find an archive of all the texts written for SQUID. The texts are chronologically organized; they can be downloaded as pdf and some of them as mp3 file. These pages are updated continuously with new contributions, so please come back to check for updates.

Click the title to open/close a short excerpt:
#51 How To Prevent The Apocalypse With Performance Art
      - random people
#50 Knowing You, Knowing Me: An Appendix for Why We Cannot Speak.
      - Barrie James Sutcliffe
#49 OPERATION: Sagan om den Stora Datan - Akt II
      - Anna Lundh
#48 Technology Of The Voice
      - Johan Landgren
#47 The Great Satan
      - Kalle Brolin
#46 The Boy
      - Meira Ahmemulic
#45 OPERATION: Sagan om den Stora Datan - Akt I
      - Anna Lundh
#44 Clip Kino: Helsinki And Beyond
      - Andrew Gryf Paterson
#43 Buying The Museum
      - Alessandra Di Pisa
#42 Sound Scape
      - Toine Horvers
#41 Alienation Stories
      - Jari Silomäki
#40 Family Album, Writers In No Particular Order
      - IC-98
#39 Urban Narratives
      A round table discussion with Meira Ahmemulic, Antonio Scarponi and Elin Wikström.
      Adapted to text by Katja Aglert, Martijn van Berkum and Janna Holmstedt
      - Antonio Scarponi
#37 The Publicly Private And The Privately Public
      - Adriana Seserin
#36 Dolma, The Taste Of Kurdistan
      - Francesca Recchia
#35 The 20th Century Chronicles
      - Carl Åkerlund
      - Mairead Case
#33 Behind The White Door
      - Imri Sandström
#32 Scrambles Amongst The Alps
      - Martijn van Berkum
#31 Aquatic Aliens Versus Norwegian Marines, Part I - IV
      - Elin Wikström
#30 20th Century Type Coins
      - Marc Ganzglass
#29 Genusvägrarmanifestet / The Manifesto Of Gender-Refusal / Le Manifeste Anti-Genre
      - A. K. Westin
#28 New Territories In Acre And Why They Matter: Notes On Hope And "The Game" Of Coexistence
      - Marjetica Potrc
#27 Ma And The Four Dimensional Concept Of Reality In Today's Tokyo
      - Ninia Sverdrup
#26 Obligatory Passage Point
      - Collaboration between Linus Elmes, Linda Soneryd, Jens Soneryd,
      Milo Lavén, Elin Strand, Tove Lamm Stråhle, Jo Rideout and Per Nyström.
#25 A Parallel Script To The Film: The Dream Of A Book
      - Beata Berggren
#24 06.04.02
      - Jelena Rundqvist
#23 Theme, again.
      - Fredric Gunve
#22 All Talk, No Action.
      - Fredric Gunve
#21 Excerpts From Bridge Over Deep Ditch, poems written in Ubud Nov 05 - Jan 06
      - Torbjörn Säfve
#20 Dear Tom
      - Michael Blum
#19 Love, Pain And Self-Erection
      - Marcus Steinweg
#18 The Main Character Of The Scene
      - Katja Aglert and Janna Holmstedt
#17 Lost Homing Pigeons
      - Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S. Davidson
#16 Coca-Cola Holy Water
      - Paula von Seth
#15 Reflections Of A Percussionist
      - Thomas Wingren
#14 Yet Another Artist With A Project
      - Katja Aglert
#13 How I Became An Artist
      - Saskia Holmkvist
#12 Labyrinth
      - Peeter Laurits
#11 Drifting Through Incomplete Renovation
      - Chto Delat/What is to be done?
#10 The Heroes Of Absolute Zero
      - Janna Holmstedt
#9 Poetry Is What Gets Lost In Translation
      - Ylva Mazetti
#8 Untitled [In Progress]
      - A.S.Bessa
#7 Through The Home Tunnel
      - Veronica Brovall
#6 This I Know About Home
      - Jan Verwoert
#5 The Melancholy Of Evolution
      - Po Hagström
#4 For The Love Of Foucault
      - Marcus Steinweg
#3 Crystal Palace
      - Camilla Bergqvist
#2 The Story As Seen From A Moving Viewpoint
      - Yukie Kamiya
#1 "I Have Never Seen A Girl Wearing a Muslim Headscarf on Television Without It Being About The Scarf..."
      - A conversation with Rikke Andreassen by Ellen Nyman